Archive for May 2021

Bankruptcy and Your Credit Scores

Let’s be honest. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Filing a bankruptcy may not be a “Feel Good” moment for you. However, sometimes you have to make a business decision regarding your finances.  There is no way to underestimate the impact bankruptcy has on your credit. It is one of the…

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Newsflash: 1 in Every 4 Credit Reports Has Errors

Did you know that at least 25% of all credit reports contain errors? A recent NBC News report revealed that 1 out of every 4 people has at least one error and the actual number could be much higher as many errors go undetected and unreported.  Most people don’t find out about the errors until…

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30% of Your Credit Score Depends on THIS…

This is EXTREMELY important for anyone who is needing to increase their credit scores. 30% of your score depends on you have a minimum of 3-5 revolving lines of credit (credit cards). Too often, we come across people who mistakenly think that they are doing the financially smart thing by not using credit cards at…

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Even Slightly Lower Credit Scores Can Cost You a LOT of Money

Typically, when we talk about credit repair, the scenario people will picture is someone with REALLY bad credit getting help to improve their scores.  Yes, this is a situation that we tackle each and every day.  We’ve taken thousands of clients and brought their scores up from the “basement” into the “penthouse”. However, there is…

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